Support the YWCA
Ways To Give
Gifts That Pay You Back
Tax Smart Gifts
Stock, Securities, Mutual Funds QCDs Crypto Donor Advised Funds - DAFs Real Estate
Retained Life Estate
Please contact YWCA Central Maine’s Chief Development and Communications Officer, Jennifer Molloy for additional information on how your planned gift will support YWCA Central Maine!
YWCA Central Maine does not provide legal or tax advice; please consult your financial or legal advisor for more information on tax benefits and to legally establish your planned gift(s). Our legal name is YWCA Central Maine and our federal tax identification number is 01-0211570.
Since its earliest inception, the YWCA Central Maine has been an organization built on community funding. It has always been the nickels and dimes from those who value our work that has made our programming possible. When you donate to the YWCA, your contribution is bigger than programming or operational support, it is an investment in creating a more just and equitable Lewiston-Auburn community- one in which women, girls, and people of color are safe, valued, and thriving. The YWCA believes that all of our services should be fully accessible and your donation benefits our most impactful programs, including:
- Childcare, summer camp, and aquatics scholarships.
- Free and low-cost therapeutic and culturally responsive swim programs.
- Social justice, civic engagement, and advocacy programming and events.
- Nutritious food programming for children in our care, as well as community food distribution programs for food insecure families.
- Free and reduced summer swim time for youth through collaborations with other local service providers.
Eliminating racism and empowering women is no small undertaking. Fortunately, it is a mission that the YWCA shares with the whole community in order to make our community whole! Your support, no matter how large or small, strengthens our work for gender and racial justice and helps provide equal access to health, wellness, and childcare resources in Lewiston-Auburn. The YWCA thanks you for your generosity!
Click below to help support the YWCA!
Friendraising & Fundraising
The YWCA Central Maine is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization supported largely through generous contributions from individuals like you. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us advance our mission to eliminate racism and empower women and girls. The need for you to help is great and the opportunities are plenty.
Host a FRIENDRAISING or FUNDRAISING Event! What is FRIENDRAISING? Friendraising is a way for you and your friends to learn more about YWCA Central Maine and what we do. Host an informal dinner party, a brunch, or just have a few friends over to spend some time hearing and talking about the YWCA mission and how we carry it out. We’d love to share what the YWCA mission means locally and how it is reflected in the services we provide. You also will have the opportunity to learn about ways you can support and be involved in the YWCA Central Maine.
Throw a FUNDRAISER for the YWCA Central Maine! Sponsor a car wash, BBQ or even a golf tournament with your friends, co-workers, members of your faith groups or other members of your circle. Together we can build the resources to enrich the lives of women and children.
Please contact us for more information about how to become involved in FRIENDRAISING or FUNDRAISING for the YWCA Central Maine at 207-795-4050.
Childcare Wish List
The YWCA Central Maine Childcare Programs, which serve children ages 18 months – 12, have an ongoing and often updated wish list available on Amazon.